Kingdoms Associated Press

30/06/1472 Election of Devon's council : A.F.D. have obtained the absolute majority of the seats.

LONDON (AAP) – The list ALL FOR DEVON! have taken the lead in the Devon county council election race, and have gained an absolute majority of the seats. They can govern alone.

Result of the vote :

1. "ALL FOR DEVON!" (A.F.D.) : 100%

The seats of the council have been split in proportion to the election votes:

1 : Brody (A.F.D.)
2 : Chelseabells (A.F.D.)
3 : Sybil_leeds (A.F.D.)
4 : Katelyn_hamilton (A.F.D.)
5 : Dragoslava (A.F.D.)
6 : Llyres (A.F.D.)
7 : Salientdevt (A.F.D.)
8 : Tonychuan (A.F.D.)
9 : Tarconia (A.F.D.)
10 : Emrys. (A.F.D.)
11 : Ealadha (A.F.D.)
12 : Spittfire (A.F.D.)

The members of the council will recognize the new Count(ess) in two days. The Count(ess) will have to present the county's respects to the King and appoint the councillors to their new positions.

27/06/1472 Election of Mercia's council : MUM have obtained the absolute majority of the seats.

LONDON (AAP) – The list Mighty United Mercia have taken the lead in the Mercia county council election race, and have gained an absolute majority of the seats. They can govern alone.

Result of the vote :

1. "Mighty United Mercia" (MUM) : 55.8%
2. "Co-Operation, Pragmatism, Sensible" (COPS) : 44.2%

The seats of the council have been split in proportion to the election votes:

1 : Alastair (MUM)
2 : Antionette (MUM)
3 : Layne_ (MUM)
4 : Supermartin (MUM)
5 : Peterpan (MUM)
6 : Peregrine_amnherst (MUM)
7 : Baldericadder (COPS)
8 : Galrador (COPS)
9 : Ysabelle_ (COPS)
10 : Eleni_dixon (COPS)
11 : Vivienne_degrey (COPS)
12 : Silvertalon (MUM)

The members of the council will recognize the new Count(ess) in two days. The Count(ess) will have to present the county's respects to the King and appoint the councillors to their new positions.

06/06/1472 Election of Westmorland's council : WISH have obtained the absolute majority of the seats.

LONDON (AAP) – The list Westmorland's Integrity, Service, and Hope have taken the lead in the Westmorland county council election race, and have gained an absolute majority of the seats. They can govern alone.

Result of the vote :

1. "Westmorland's Integrity, Service, and Hope" (WISH) : 100%

The seats of the council have been split in proportion to the election votes:

1 : Thancren (WISH)
2 : Jesijajo (WISH)
3 : Anneke (WISH)
4 : Nataliewinslow (WISH)
5 : Sallysioux (WISH)
6 : Fiora (WISH)
7 : Wildmoe (WISH)
8 : Kenna_ (WISH)
9 : Kitsada (WISH)
10 : Pamelia (WISH)
11 : Prof.sloth (WISH)
12 : Mtchll (WISH)

The members of the council will recognize the new Count(ess) in two days. The Count(ess) will have to present the county's respects to the King and appoint the councillors to their new positions.

03/06/1472 Election of Sussex's council : AfS have received more than 50% of the votes.

LONDON (AAP) – The list All for Sussex received more than half of the votes in the Sussex council election. However with the system of proportional representation, they don't have an absolute majority of the seats. They will have to make a coalition government with with members from a rival list.

Result of the vote :

1. "All for Sussex " (AfS) : 51.7%
2. "Sussex Reform Movement" (SURM) : 48.3%

The seats of the council have been split in proportion to the election votes:

1 : Daisydread (AfS)
2 : Kragomir (AfS)
3 : Garviel.hawke (AfS)
4 : Vrejl (AfS)
5 : Ullrich (AfS)
6 : Isabellax (AfS)
7 : Subnormal (SURM)
8 : Tahsa (SURM)
9 : Chris_braveheart (SURM)
10 : Phobia (SURM)
11 : Aeneia (SURM)
12 : Medullisa (SURM)

The members of the council will recognize the new Count(ess) in two days. The Count(ess) will have to present the county's respects to the King and appoint the councillors to their new positions.

10/05/1472 From Royal Bliss to Royal Miss: A HRH Avanni Midterm Report

Kingdoms Associated Press - London, England

In the wake of England's typical royal transitions, with the ascension of Queen Avanni Palidor on the 27th day of January this year, it's time for a mid-term evaluation of her promises and accomplishments. Let's delve into the royal ledger to see how Her Majesty's reign measures up to her aspirations. Do you have your wine ready?

One notable change under Queen Avanni's rule is the addition of a wing in the Tower, exclusively reserved for Her Majesty's throne and meetings, an unprecedented move to England's historic landmark.

Is the kingdom basking in Royal triumph or drowning in Royal turmoil? Spoiler alert: it’s like trying to decide if the castle's moat is half full or half empty!

Her Campaign Promises

● National Governance

The promise of monthly state reports, while timely, appeared a tad tardy on the Kingdom's budget and finances front. Nevertheless, the suggestion box and honours platform stand ready for the populace, albeit with rare foot traffic.

● Leadership

A tapestry of meetings, both public and private, has been woven into the fabric of Queen Avanni's reign.

While security remains snug, the diplomatic dance with Scotland and Ireland might need a few more lessons. Alas, the border closure in Scotland makes it seem as if that diplomacy has failed.

The move, seemingly prompted by a historical incident dating back to 1471 involving a controversial military expedition into Scottish territory, has reignited age-old tensions.

The incident in question involved the unauthorized movement of troops from Westmorland into Scottish territory in pursuit of an alleged wrongdoer, a move not sanctioned by England. Since then, the delicate diplomatic balance between the two nations has remained unsettled, with successive monarchs failing to adequately address the situation.

Compounding the issue, recent reports indicate a comprehensive review of some of the Crown institutions - Royal Embassy, Royal Military Academy, and the College of Heraldry. While ostensibly aimed at ensuring alignment with the nation's long-term vision of integrity and efficiency, the review process has encountered numerous challenges.

These challenges include concerns over confidentiality and oversight, sparking a dispute between the Crown and the College of Heraldry. This disagreement has culminated in the Crown's decision to establish its own Royal Institute of Peerage. This unprecedented move sidelines the expertise and long-term service of dedicated volunteers within the College who have been around longer than this monarch has been alive.

The failure of diplomacy and the upheaval within key institutions cast a shadow over hopes for improved relations and underscored the complexities of historical grievances in contemporary diplomatic efforts.

● Military

A promise to restore trust and unveil a "new order" remains a mystery veiled in secrecy as all military matters should. As for the road patrols and escorts that seemed to have been promised.

● Finances:

Amidst the clinking of coffers and the promise of fiscal transparency, we find ourselves awaiting the grand unveiling as no report on how much is in the coffers has appeared, this reporter does note that when elected there were about 61500 pounds in bought votes. Prestige analysis, institutional wages, and fundraising discussions linger in the air, much like the aroma of freshly baked bread. They seem to have taken a stroll through the gardens.

● Community

In the realm of community engagement, a royal tour is underway, with promises of noble acquaintance and public involvement. While the path to noble rapport may still be winding, endeavours such as the English tournament stand as beacons of community spirit and shared celebration.

From Tower upgrades to a tapestry of meetings, England's latest royal journey is akin to a theatrical performance—promises made, mysteries veiled, and diplomacy dancing on a firepit.

England KAP
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Product Price Variation
Loaf of bread 4.56 -0.28
Fruit 9.92 0
Bag of corn 3.7 0.87
Bottle of milk 9.48 0.11
Fish 20.26 0.06
Piece of meat 12.25 0.13
Bag of wheat 10.89 -0
Bag of flour 12.88 1.64
Hundredweight of cow 20.53 0.33
Ton of stone 10.44 -0
Half-hundredweight of pig 15.41 0.05
Ball of wool 10.86 -0.14
Hide 16.32 -0.06
Coat 49.5 0
Vegetable 9.38 -0.18
Wood bushel 4.19 0.08
Small ladder 20.18 0
Large ladder 68.02 0
Oar 20 -0
Hull 36.49 0
Shaft 8.16 -0.14
Boat 99.33 0.63
Stone 18.32 -0.11
Axe 150.74 0
Ploughshare 38.44 0
Hoe 30 0
Ounce of iron ore 11.52 0.2
Unhooped bucket 21.88 0
Bucket 37.73 0
Knife 17.89 0
Ounce of steel 49.04 -0.06
Unforged axe blade 53.91 0
Axe blade 116.44 0
Blunted axe 127.79 -2.51
Hat 53.38 0.08
Man's shirt 119.57 0.12
Woman's shirt 121.14 0
Waistcoat 141.4 0
Pair of trousers 74.61 -0.09
Mantle 257.82 0
Dress 265.04 -0.2
Man's hose 45.63 -0
Woman's hose 44.32 0
Pair of shoes 27.53 -0.01
Pair of boots 86.57 0
Belt 45.2 -0
Barrel 12.02 0
Pint of beer 0.82 0
Barrel of beer 66.51 2.5
Bottle of wine 1.66 0
Barrel of wine N/A N/A
Bag of hops 19.34 0
Bag of malt 10 0
Sword blade 101.19 0
Unsharpened sword 169.69 0
Sword 146.48 -0.07
Shield 36.91 0
Playing cards 73.55 -0
Cloak 180.72 0
Collar 68.35 -0.06
Skirt 135.35 0
Tunic 222.36 0
Overalls 115.73 0
Corset 117.2 0
Rope belt 53.86 0
Headscarf 60.73 0
Helmet 164.91 0
Toque 48.61 0
Headdress 79.65 0
Poulaine 64.02 0
Cod 11.36 0
Conger eel 12.81 0
Sea bream 18.31 0
Herring 17.43 0
Whiting 17.42 0
Skate 12.16 0
Sole 18.11 0
Tuna 12.51 0
Turbot 18.02 0
Red mullet 16.53 0
Mullet 12.47 -0
Scorpionfish 20.5 0
Salmon 16.51 0
Arctic char 12 0
Grayling 14.77 0
Pike 17.6 0
Catfish N/A N/A
Eel 15.09 0
Carp 17.98 0.03
Gudgeon 17.68 -0.04
Trout 17.51 0
Pound of olives 13.38 0
Pound of grapes 9.18 0
Sack of barley 10.67 0
Half-hundred weight of goat carcasses 18.99 0
Bottle of goat's milk 12.81 0
Tapestry 143.6 0
Bottle of olive oil 121.94 -0
Jar of agave nectar N/A N/A
Bushel of salt 19.89 0
Bar of clay 3.43 -0
Cask of Scotch whisky 93.32 -0
Cask of Irish whiskey 131.27 0
Bottle of ewe's milk 10.57 0
Majolica vase 10 0
Porcelain plate N/A N/A
Ceramic tile N/A N/A
Parma ham 84.97 0
Bayonne ham 34.65 -0
Iberian ham 70.28 0
Black Forest ham 54.72 0
Barrel of cider 51.16 0
Bourgogne wine 76.22 0
Bordeaux wine 60.89 0.31
Champagne wine 141.21 -5.25
Toscana wine 33.69 0
Barrel of porto wine 87.44 0
Barrel of Tokaji 163.71 0
Rioja wine 159.19 0
Barrel of Retsina 36.79 -0
Pot of yoghurt 85.17 -0
Cow's milk cheese 77.07 0
Goat's milk cheese 85.06 2.5
Ewe's milk cheese 52.26 0
Anjou wine 50.88 -0
Ewe carcass 15.03 0
Mast 456.7 0
Small sail 215.71 0
Large sail 838.79 0
Tumbler of pulque N/A N/A
Jar of pulque N/A N/A