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17/06/1471 O σουλτάνος Plasebo - Sultan Plasebo

O σουλτάνος Plasebo - Sultan Plasebo

Περίπου πενήντα μέρες πριν ξεκίνησε ο πόλεμος της Συμμαχίας «Αιγίδα» εναντίον της εγκληματικής οργάνωσης ΟΝΕ. Οι μάχες ξεκίνησαν από την Τουρκία. Εκεί οι στρατοί των Τούρκων ενωμένων για την ελευθερία της χώρας τους έδιωξαν τους στρατούς των ΟΝΕ. Κάποιους από αυτούς τους στρατούς τους κυνήγησαν μέχρι την Ελλάδα. Πολιόρκησαν την πόλη των Σερρών, κατέστρεψαν 3 στρατούς των ΟΝΕ και ανέτρεψαν το πουλημένο στους ΟΝΕ Συμβούλιο της χώρας. Βύθισαν όσα καράβια είχαν οι ΟΝΕ στην Ελλάδα και οι συνδυασμένες δυνάμεις των συμμάχων κατέστρεψαν το στρατό των ΟΝΕ που είχε στην Αλβανία η Letyzia . Ναι, ναι αυτή που κάποτε τους έβριζε ξαναγύρισε κοντά τους για να τη βοηθήσουν να επιτεθεί στην Ιταλία αργότερα και να εκπληρώσει το στόχο της να κυβερνήσει επιτέλους κι αυτή κάποιο Δουκάτο...

Όταν η Αλβανία ελευθερώθηκε επίσης, οι συνδυασμένες δυνάμεις της Συμμαχίας επιτέθηκαν και πολιόρκησαν το Veliko Tarnovo στη Βουλγαρία. Είχαν απομείνει εκεί 3 στρατοί των ΟΝΕ. Πλέον και η Βουλγαρία είναι ελεύθερη. Στρατοί των ΟΝΕ υπάρχουν μόνο στη Βαλαχία, αν και το πόσα άτομα έχει καθένας από αυτούς τους στρατούς είναι υπό αμφισβήτηση αν σκεφτεί κανείς ότι πολλοί στρατιώτες των ΟΝΕ παραμένουν εγκλωβισμένοι στις προαναφερόμενες χώρες που έχουν πλέον ελευθερωθεί από την κυριαρχία τους.

Αυτός τον οποίο ακολουθούν εθελοντικά όλοι οι Τούρκοι, ανεξάρτητα από το όνομα της ομάδας τους, είναι ο σουλτάνος τους, ο Plasebo. Το πρακτορείο μας εξασφάλισε μία συνέντευξη μαζί του, η οποία δημοσιεύεται στην αγγλική που λήφθηκε προκειμένου να αποφευχθούν οποιαδήποτε λάθη στη μετάφραση.

KAP: Dear Plasebo, can you please introduce yourself so that our readers know who are you?

Plasebo: For those who do not commit offences, I am a servant of God.
For those who commit petty offences, I am the Constitution.
For outlaws and ONEs, I am God's whip.

KAP: Can you please tell me about the Aegis Alliance? Which countries are members of it? Why was this alliance formed?

Plasebo: It is essentially a defense pact. It was not made with countries. It was formed by families and organizations who wanted to represent their countries. The Ottoman Empire joined this alliance with the integrity of the country. The text of the alliance was shared on the forum. Battle Legion representing Bulgaria, S.A.T., R.O.E and S.L. representing the Ottoman Empire participated.
There are also members from Poland, Serbia, Bosnia, and Albania who officially participated. There are also Sicilians and Venetians representing friendship.

ΚΑΡ: It seems like a big and strong coalition. What can prevent this coalition to act like ONE when they free countries occupied by ONE? Take their place, especially if there are any internal fights? Like those the ONE used to conquer countries.

Plasebo: It seems big and strong. But like everything, it's fragile. We've added a heavy bureaucracy to the Alliance's decision-making. We've ensured that every member has a say. ONE has lost two despicable leaders and its members write letters every day begging for forgiveness. Many of them don't know the reasons for their leaders' actions. But Aegis is both a defense pact and its decision-making is cumbersome. This unwieldiness hurts when it packs a punch. But it is very difficult to mobilize that fist.

Today in many countries there are two groups, ONE and non-One. We are now with those who are none-ONE. Our only idea is that every country should not benefit from a foreign power. We invite people to become nationalists by force. But it is an army of 6 different nationalities. This is exactly what distinguishes fascism from nationalism.

ΚΑΡ: You didn't answer my question, or is the answer "bureaucracy"?

Plasebo: The progress of decision-making will be slow and unreliable. In fact, we can associate this not with bureaucracy but with pluralistic democracy.

ΚΑΡ: What will prevent some of your groups to rebel and take over a country which they are supposed to protect?

Plasebo: It is necessary to leave this to the meaning of the word freedom. We are taking concepts away from their essence. Freedom does not give anyone infinite rights. The groups in our alliance will go to their own countries. They will protect and develop their own countries. If any of those countries turn into an international threat, we are still here. No one in Greece is a member of Aegis. But Greece's inclusion in ONE threatens everyone. From day one, I have been calling on the Greek people, don't let your country become an outpost for anyone. Run your own country. If the Ottomans threaten you, let's sit down and talk. If Bulgaria threatens you, let's sit down and talk. Let's solve our problems with dialogue.
There will be fights within the internal politics of the countries. However, no group should receive support from outside.
Any opposition group in the Ottoman Empire could overthrow me. If it does so with a foreign organization, I can call on Aegis for support.
This is a project to revitalize countries. We don't want to completely puppetise them.

ΚΑΡ: I see. Tell me shortly what you have accomplished until now.

Plasebo: We swept and mopped the floor.
We took out the rubbish.
We washed the dishes.
Spring cleaning.
We destroyed the dumbed-down government in Greece.
We sank eight warships in St George's harbor.
We've destroyed the armies of a disgraced ONE member in Albania.
We've sunk three warships in Lezhe harbor.
We've laid siege to the city of Veliko Turnovo in Bulgaria, defeated and destroyed 3 ONE armies there.
After 50 days, this is what we have done.
3 whole countries and more than 30 warships in total.

ΚΑΡ: There are people in Greece who claim that Turks have found at last the opportunity to conquer Greece and that you will never leave again. You tell them that you want them to unite and rule their country alone, but can you guarantee that you will leave the country? and when will this happen?

Plasebo: ONE once had supernatural powers. Our people were wiped out for no reason. Because of this, many cities in our country are empty. We have too many cities to satisfy the human instinct to rule. We have no intention of ruling Greece.

In the past, Turks could not make a successful operation abroad. For the first time, we have achieved something abroad as a country. I say as a country because everyone who lived in the Ottoman Empire is now fighting in our armies. In such an organization, we defeated three besieged cities. Therefore, my people's feelings of conquest may have risen, but we are naive towards the local people.

I appeal to the local population so that no Ottoman Sultan can conquer two countries in a row. Countries need to be strong and able to defend themselves against everyone.

When those who have sold their souls in Greece become a minority, we will leave.

ΚΑΡ: Do you have anything more to tell to the Greek people or to everyone who will read this interview?

Plasebo: Don't trust anyone who doesn't take power from his own people. This includes me. Not long ago my province of Edirne was under occupation. Now it feels like you are under occupation too. I am sorry for that. But your council, which we destroyed, was with those who invaded my country. You were also under a silent occupation. I may not like you even a little bit. You may think that. But you are neighbors of my country. Even if there is no love lost between us, we must work together to keep us both safe. That's why I destroyed your council, to destroy those who would harm me.
Let no one forget. Trust no one who does not draw power from the people.

ΚΑΡ: Thank you dear for this enlightening interview.

KAP Greece Head Editor, Evigarden

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Product Price Variation
Loaf of bread 5.8 1.35
Fruit 5 0
Bag of corn 2.22 0.15
Bottle of milk 8.45 0
Fish 16.7 0
Piece of meat 17.9 -0.1
Bag of wheat 10.25 0.25
Bag of flour 11.7 0
Hundredweight of cow 15 -17
Ton of stone 6 0
Half-hundredweight of pig 16 0
Ball of wool 14.5 0
Hide 18.5 0
Coat N/A N/A
Vegetable 8.98 0.05
Wood bushel 4.95 0.06
Small ladder 20 0
Large ladder 60 0
Oar 20 0
Hull 42 0
Shaft 8.5 0
Boat 164.5 0
Stone 20.41 0
Axe 180 0
Ploughshare N/A N/A
Hoe N/A N/A
Ounce of iron ore 20 0
Unhooped bucket 25.5 -2.5
Bucket 30 0
Knife 16.1 0
Ounce of steel 46 -7
Unforged axe blade 100 0
Axe blade 90 0
Blunted axe 150 0
Hat 55 0
Man's shirt 85 0
Woman's shirt 85 0
Waistcoat 100 0
Pair of trousers 50 0
Mantle 333 0
Dress 305 0
Man's hose 65 0
Woman's hose 49 0
Pair of shoes 35 0
Pair of boots 85 0
Belt 40 0
Barrel 15 0
Pint of beer 1 0
Barrel of beer 60.5 0
Bottle of wine N/A N/A
Barrel of wine N/A N/A
Bag of hops N/A N/A
Bag of malt N/A N/A
Sword blade 90 0
Unsharpened sword 200 0
Sword 140 0
Shield 20 0
Playing cards 80 0
Cloak 176 0
Collar 80 0
Skirt 150 0
Tunic 305 0
Overalls 85 0
Corset 165 0
Rope belt 75 0
Headscarf 55 0
Helmet 131 0
Toque 55 0
Headdress 80 0
Poulaine 70 0
Cod 29 0
Conger eel N/A N/A
Sea bream 20 0
Herring 20 0
Whiting 30 0
Skate 20 0
Sole 29 0
Tuna 20 0
Turbot 29 0
Red mullet 20 0
Mullet 29 0
Scorpionfish N/A N/A
Salmon 30 0
Arctic char N/A N/A
Grayling 7.05 0
Pike 25 0
Catfish N/A N/A
Eel 7 0
Carp 30 0
Gudgeon 22 0
Trout 7 0
Pound of olives 10 0
Pound of grapes 5 0
Sack of barley 24 0
Half-hundred weight of goat carcasses N/A N/A
Bottle of goat's milk 5 0
Tapestry 200 0
Bottle of olive oil 119 0
Jar of agave nectar N/A N/A
Bushel of salt 20 0
Bar of clay 4 0
Cask of Scotch whisky 110 0
Cask of Irish whiskey 195 0
Bottle of ewe's milk 25 0
Majolica vase N/A N/A
Porcelain plate N/A N/A
Ceramic tile N/A N/A
Parma ham 70 0
Bayonne ham 95 0
Iberian ham 99.95 0
Black Forest ham 100 0
Barrel of cider 75 0
Bourgogne wine 70 0
Bordeaux wine 20 0
Champagne wine 70 0
Toscana wine 20 0
Barrel of porto wine 90 0
Barrel of Tokaji 70 0
Rioja wine 200 0
Barrel of Retsina 45 0
Pot of yoghurt 70 0
Cow's milk cheese 80 0
Goat's milk cheese 150 0
Ewe's milk cheese 99.95 0
Anjou wine 25 0
Ewe carcass 30.9 0
Mast 642.5 0
Small sail 160 0
Large sail 950 0
Tumbler of pulque N/A N/A
Jar of pulque N/A N/A